Preliminary TEM Training: General TEM operation training should first be acquired at the CNSI EICN facility. A minimum of 20 hours of TEM operation will be required on either the T12 or T20 instruments before “onboarding” for the Talos can begin. Other comparable experience may be considered. Please consult Ignacio Martini (
Talos TEM Onboarding: We require all users to go through our onboarding process
Step 1: Please use this form to request Talos onboarding.
Step 2: Please read, sign and have your PI sign the user agreement here. Return the signed agreement via email before the onboarding session.
Step 3: You will be contacted by Talos staff who will discuss your TEM experience and current research needs.
Step 4: Reserve time via a Google calendar. Details given at the time of onboarding.
Rates: Sales and Service agreements are being developed. Please consult Ignacio Martini ( about external rates. Daily rates may be possible for external users.